Planning Application Submitted December 2012

Planning Application Submitted December 2012

We can confirm that in December 2012 we submitted a planning application on the Garden Centre site for change of use from Garden Centre to Residential Housing.

Although our family have been here on this site since 1959, we have realised for a long while that the site is not ideally suited to a busy Garden Centre, it is now surrounded by housing  it has a narrow road frontage and the business is rapidly outgrowing the site.

It is our belief that at some time in the next 2-5 years, our car park will not be able to cope with the number of cars and lorries that will be visiting the site.

We have therefore begun a process that will one day see us move to a new site.

This process actually begun in the late 1980′s when my parents had planning permission to move the business to a new site.  But ups and downs in the housing market and the continued growth of our Garden Centre on this site have meant that we have never had to actually do this.

The present scenario is that we are beginning to put things in place for the future  we do not have anywhere to move to as yet and we have not been in any discussions with any other landowner or business with a view to a  move at this time.  That will happen when we are ready to move to the next stage.

We can assure you that it is our intention to carry on with the business, our Garden Centre has been successful due to its excellent staff and loyal customers and we intend this to be the case for many years to come.

One thing is for certain, Bosworths Garden centre IS NOT CLOSING!!!

Please do not hesitate to ask if you require any further information.

Sam and Tania Bosworth