A second “housing crash” means that relocation becomes even more unlikely.
The builder who brought the Co-Op site has a fall out with the Bosworths and the Garden Centre, which was trading from in front of the Bungalow becomes unviable due to boundary issues.
Bosworth’s approach a landowner around the new Burton Latimer bypass to discuss a new Garden Centre site. The site is around the Cranford Road and A6 junction
The Co-Op land is sold to a builder for development – the Garden Centre land is not included in the sale
Sam and Tania Bosworth are married
Detailed planning consent is submitted and granted for a scheme to include only the Garden Centre and Co-Op site.
The cold frames are replaced by the first retail structure on site, a steel framed polythene clad structure to sell bedding plants from. Remarkably that structure is still there now and houses the coffee shop.
John Bosworth catches his paperboy one morning and tells him that it is time to start a proper job. Rob Jarrett begins as a Saturday lad. Rob is now our Main Landscaper, having learned a lot of his skills from John. Rob and his colleagues are now constructing award winning gardens to very high standards.
Sam returns from college and on Boxing Day takes a sledgehammer to one of his Dad’s cold frames adjacent to the bungalow. John was not amused. Jill was excited about the retail opportunities.